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TREC Core 2025-2026

The TREC has determined that affiliate brokers and more recently licensed brokers who are required to complete continuing education must complete a specific (6) hour "Core" course as part of the required 16 hours of continuing education in order to renew their license

SAVE MONEY -- PURCHASE OUR 4 COURSE PACKAGE FOR $99.95 -- You Can save on the 2025-2026 Core Course by ordering our 4 course 16-18 hour package. You Total savings by ordering the 4 course package will be nearly $30.

The MANDATED outline for the TREC CORE 2025- 2026 Residential Course is:

The cost of Tennessee TREC Core 2025-2026 Residential Course  - TREC Continuing Education Course #122550 For the affordable cost of $39.95 you will receive your enrollment paperwork, ebook of the text and any needed instructional assistance.  You will also receive your diploma via email.  Do not miss this excellent opportunity to obtain your certified TREC continuing education WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR OFFICE ! !

Courses may be repeated,
even if previous credit has been awarded and posted to your TREC records. A course may be repeated as long as it is not repeated during the current licensing period for affiliate brokers continuing education and brokers post-licensure education.

College Credits: The Career Institute is not recognized by any particular college but students have reported college credit awarded by some institutions based upon Career Institute transcripts. If college credit is your desire and you want to transfer the credits to your local college, please determine if our transcripts will be acceptable and transferable to the college of your choice prior to signing up for our program.

Property Management & Managing Risk Course Catalog


Tennessee Core Commercial 2025-2026

I. TREC Law, Rule, Policy Update

a) New Termination of Affiliation

b) Deposits and Earnest Money

c) Advertising

d) Commissions Earned by Affiliated Licensees

e) Electronic Records

f) Licensees who hold themselves out as a Team, Group, or Similar Entity Within a Firm

g) Duplicate or Confusingly Similar Firm Names

h) Appearances Before the Commission for the Purpose of Obtaining a License

i) Military Applicants

j) Reinstatement of an Expired License of a Broker, Affiliate Broker, Time-Share

k) E & O Suspension and Penalty fees

l) Out-of-state licensees must complete 16 hours of CE for renewal

II. Agency

III. Advertising (Rule 1260-02-.12; TCA 62-13-310)

a) Internet

b) False, misleading or deceptive

c) Signs on Property

d) Guarantees, Claims and Offers; Gifts and Prizes

IV. Contracts

V. Property Management

a) Escrow Account Setup

b) TREC Requirements

c) PB supervision

d) Sanctions

VI. Disclosures (TCA 62-13-405; TCA 66-5-202; 212; 213)

VII. PB Supervision (TCA 62-13-312; 62-13-310; Rule 1260-1-.04; Rule 1260-02-.01-.06)

a) Unlicensed Branch Office

b) AG Opinion--Exemptions to licensure

c) Advertising

d) Earnest Money/Security/Trust Deposit

e) Teams

      f ) Relationships with Independent Contractors